The Worrell Family

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Today was Valentine's Day! Alex didn't have a party at school, but they did exchange Valentine's. He had totally cool Power Ranger Valentine's that you stick a pencil through. They came with Dinosomethingorother Power Ranger pencils. Again, what is up with a valentine not being enough? :) He also participated in the Jump Rope for Heart at his school. That is a good activity for Heart Day!

Kaitlyn had ballet and we went by her friend Jeannette and Cecilia's house on the way home. They played dress up and put on makeup. Jeannette was coming IN the back door when Kaitlyn was trying to go OUT and the corner of the door smacked Kaitlyn in the head. She had a HUGE goose egg right in the middle of her forehead. :( Poor thing. She seemed fine after Tamara offered her a popsicle and a bandaid. Funny how the little things can make everything better.

Jon came home from work early, so we had some extra family time. He brought me some roses and I got him a big Reese's heart. I was planning to make something special for dinner, but Jon and the kids really wanted pizza. We ended up having Domino's and eating Valentine's candy for dessert. After the kids went to bed, Jon and I watched The Saw II. How's that for a romantic Valentine's movie? Nice and demented. Just like us. HA!


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