The Worrell Family

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Eating Sweet Potatoes & Standing

I tried making putting Alyssa's sweet potatoes in this little baby food eating contraption. There is a handle the baby can hold on it and you put the food in this little mesh bag so they can feed themselves. She didn't really seem to care about it at all. She seemed to like playing with it, but she still spit the food out everywhere. Oh well. She might eat something other than breastmilk...someday.

She also "stood" sort of for the first time today. She at least supported her weight for a few seconds. I went to sit her down in front of her new cube toy that we borrowed from Tamara and she grabbed the metal parts and hung on. I let go of her and she stood there long enough for me to grab a camera and take a picture. What a big girl!!


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