End of School Playgroup & Fun at Christine's

After we left we went over to Christine's house. She is always complaining that I never come over there, so at least now I have at least a week before she can say anything. :) We hung out for awhile while the kids played and then we headed home. We stopped by the grocery store on the way home and there was a guy talking on his cell phone and cussing up a storm. I hate when people do that when kids are within earshot! We got home and had Alex's favorite, sausage gravy, for dinner. Jason came to pick him up shortly after dinner and Jon went out with his work friends to play spades, giving me some time to fulfill my internet needs. I tried to feed Alyssa peaches tonight for the first time and she didn't want anything to do with them. She made a terrible face and spit them out all over the place. I swear. She is going to go straight from the boob to eating cheeseburgers.