The Worrell Family

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Bryson's 4th Birthday

Today was Bryson's 4th Birthday Party. His actual birthday is January 9th, but his McDonald's Birthday was today. The kids had a great time as always. The children and I were actually on time for once to everyone's amazement. The boys were wrestling around on the floor together. This is something they have been doing a lot lately when they get together. The sun was shining right through the glass, so Bryson took off his nice button-down shirt and wore his wife beater undershirt with his new underwear sticking up out of the back of his jeans. He wouldn't even put the shirt back on for pictures. It was so funny! The kids ate Happy Meals and cake. It was completely silent in the room when the kids were eating because they were shoveling the food in so quickly. :) Bryson opened all his presents and the kids did a Batman pinata. Kaitlyn fell asleep on the way home. Too much fun!


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