The Worrell Family

Monday, January 09, 2006

Alyssa's Two Month Checkup

Alyssa's two month checkup was today! I said this the last time too, but I can't believe how much and how fast she is growing! Of course, she is twice the size of many babies her age. :) She now weighs in at 14 pounds and 9 ounces!! That is in the 98 percentile! She is 23.5 inches long and that is in the 80 percentile, so she is not only big. Also pretty long. Her head circumference is 15.5 inches. That is just over the average in the 59 percentile. The doctor said she was a healthy breastfed baby! She had a little bum rash that had been getting increasingly worse over the past couple days. I had tried A & D Ointment, Boudreaux's Butt Paste, AND Aveeno Baby Diaper Rash Cream. Nothing was working and it was only getting worse. It turns out it was a yeast infection. Neither of my other two ever had anything like that, so this is a new one for me. She was given a prescription and it started clearing up almost immediately. Alyssa also got her first round of vaccinations. She got three shots to protect her from diptheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, & pneumococcal conjugate. There is such debate about whether or not to vaccinate children. I asked my doctor since I know a few people that opt not to and she reaffirmed that it really is best for children to get the vaxs that are available to them. My thinking is that--what if I didn't and one of them was in the small percentage that caught whooping cough or any of these other rare (but deadly) diseases? I think better safe than sorry!

We went to Longhorns for lunch today, courtesy of our friend Christine. The children were amazingly well behaved considering that there were four of them. (My three, her one). We went over to her house afterwards to hang out. I was commenting on how much Alyssa wants to be held all the time and she offered to let us borrow her swing. When we got back home, I out Alyssa in it for her maiden voyage. It is the most amazing swing I have ever seen. It is the Fisher Price Nature's Touch Cradle Swing. The seat is a little papasan chair. It plays music, rain sounds, bird sounds, among others. There are little birds, bugs, and leaves that move around over her head. Awesome. She totally loves it too!


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